Thursday, May 29, 2008


WEEK 1: Do research on psychological tests

WEEK 2: Come up with logo for for zine/test, decide color scheme, settle on other thematic elements, start portfolio website

WEEK 3: subvert psychological test to my thesis. Format them into a user friendly medium. Finish first draft of website.

WEEK 4: Finish draft of zine/test. Refine website. Research portfolio packaging.

WEEK 5: FINAL SOLUTION PRESENTATION zine/test. finish website. Decide on portfolio packaging.


WEEK 7 : Finish and package portfolio

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This is a interesting interview. But if you don't want to watch all ten minutes watch at 7 minutes 34 seconds. "My Mother was white. My Father was black. I have a sister who is half indonesian married to a chinese canadian"

Obama and I have a few things in common I grew up in Hawaii, so did I. His mother is white so is mine. We have family members of all colors. We are both subject to the racial perceptions of others. Look at the comments on that video. It is saddening that so many people blantantly ignore the fact that Obama is half white and call him a racist. Is he supposed to be racist against himself? It's ridiculous.
1) what are you doing? INTENTION
Creating a test (this might work better in flash) exploring the perception of mixed race individuals and relationships in 20th century america. This will be heavly based upon psychological tests.

2) why are you doing it? PURPOSE
We all are judged by our appearance. But this judgement is based upon concious and unconcious bias that we have no control of. I want to expose and explore this bias.

3) for whom are you doing it? TARGET AUDIENCE
I want to say everyone. But, really educated people who are unaware of their own biases.

4) how will you go about doing it? PROCESS
I have already done a lot of research on mixed race people in America. I would like to continue my research on this project by focusing on tests of perception. An example would be creating my own inkblot test.

genevieve response from email


good project.

reword this into a concise and orderly statement please.

cut it to the basics:

1) what are you doing? INTENTION

2) why are you doing it? PURPOSE

3) for whom are you doing it? TARGET AUDIENCE

4) how will you go about doing it? PROCESS

one or two concise lines to explain each aspect.



genevieve response from email


good project.

reword this into a concise and orderly statement please.

cut it to the basics:

1) what are you doing? INTENTION

2) why are you doing it? PURPOSE

3) for whom are you doing it? TARGET AUDIENCE

4) how will you go about doing it? PROCESS

one or two concise lines to explain each aspect.


I would really like to continue my thesis that I
started in the last class about perceptions about race
and mixed race in america. This is issue has been
brought to the forefront of the american consciousness
by the candidacy of american politics. The media
consistently refers Obama as african american although
his family tree is as colorful as my own.

Through my own prior research I have landed on the
focus of perception. Everyone is a blank slate on to
which we all project our conscious and unconscious
biases. This has lead me to to the image of the
inkblot or rorschach tests. Scientifically they are
dubious, but the fact remains that people are still
expressing emotions, their perceptions, onto a
meaningless splatter of paint. I would like to draw
upon various psychological tests to forward my thesis.

I would like to use explore this opportunity to create
a thesis project both in book form. As I recently
started some basic bookbinding and through motion
graphics. I do not know after effects, but I see this
as the perfect opportunity to learn the program. I
think after effects would be a powerful medium with
which to explore this topic.

I agree with everything Barack Obama said in this speech. He said it better than I ever could. If I can make something that articulates my feelings on race even half as well as Barack Obama does that would be a triumph.