Wednesday, June 6, 2007

my first post

For my thesis topic I will probably do something about my mixed race status.

I am half chinese and half portuguese. But, for whatever reason some people can't seem to process mutliracial people in their head. It has to be on thing or the other. Usually, I am immediately classified as asian. And, I don't nessesarily perceive myself that way. I see my self as Chinese (not asian) and Portuguese (not white). It's just really strange for me to know that people percieve me in a way that I don't percieve myself. There's nothing I can do about it. It's just how I look on the outside.

interesting fact:
13.5% of married couples in California are interracial, 10.2% in Washington State, and 8.5% in Oregon. This is compared to 5.9% in New York.

1 comment:

Mela!!! said...

I can relate. I am not mixed race, but my parents are from Goa, a former Portuguese colony on the west coast of India.

People don't understand why I have a Portuguese last name, was raised Catholic, or why I don't look or act like a "normal" Indian, even after I explain it to them. Its very frustrating, especially when they ask me why I don't have a dot on my forehead and whether or not my parents will arrange my marriage. :/